Can Autobody Repair Quality Affect Your Car’s Value? There are many factors that can contribute to the depreciation of the value of a car over time. While some of these factors such as natural wear and tear are beyond a car owner`s ability to control, there are other ways to avoid losing any resale value on a car.
How to Buy Summer Tires
Summer is a great time to buy new tires especially if you are planning to take a driving vacation or lots of seasonal excursions. Whenever you buy tires there are some essential considerations to keep in mind, but if you plan to buy new tires this summer, use these tips to help you make an optimum purchase for your vehicle.
5 Tips for Driving In The Rain
April Showers bring May Flowers! Isn’t that so true in Vancouver, with all the rainy weather in BC we decided to create this infograph with 5 tips for Driving in the Rain. The risk of an auto collision increases in the rain whether, often not because of you but other drivers. Here are 5 things you can do to lessen … Read More
5 Post Car Accident Tips
We know that being in an auto collision can be traumatic and a stressful experience, because of that we decided to create the short infographic on “5 Car Accident Tips” to ensure that we can help minimize any stress that you may have.
How To: Be A Greener Driver
With rising fuel costs and increasing concern over climate change, it’s in everyone’s best interest to make sure the impact of cars on the environment is limited. But being a greener driver doesn’t mean giving up your car, or switching to a hybrid. It all comes down to fuel and engine efficiency.
How to Prevent Rust
While all vehicles eventually form rust, it can greatly reduce the value and appearance of your vehicle. Fortunately, it’s possible to keep your car rust-free for a long time by performing regular maintenance and following our guide below on How To Prevent Rust.
The Evolution Of Auto Safety
Auto Safety has come a long way since cars were invented, here is a great infograpic on how far it has come.