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Top Concerns for Auto Body Repair Clients

autobody repairs

At Grandcity Auto body shop in Vancouver, we are absolutely committed to providing complete customer satisfaction. When it comes to auto body repairs, we understand that a customer requires peace of mind in addition to the top quality repair job we guarantee at our garage.

For us, this means addressing any concerns our customers may have in an honest and straightforward manner and making sure they understand exactly what kind of work is being performed on their car. In our experience, drivers in Richmond and Vancouver are just as concerned about three major aspects of auto body repair as in any other city. Below you’ll find detailed descriptions about how we address these major concerns:


Frame Damage

In the past, vehicles with severe frame damage were usually considered to be beyond repair by most auto body repair shops. This was mainly due to the fact that most shops were ill-equipped to deal with such a major problem. Thankfully now, most auto body repair shops are fully equipped to handle virtually any issue with a car’s frame, and Grandcity Autobody is among them. This is especially good news, as a great deal of frame damage can actually occur after the collision, when the car is being towed to the repair shop. This is especially true if the frame of the car was already compromised during the collision. Now any frame damage that occurs can be completely repaired to standards that meet those of the original manufacturer.



Having a mismatched paint job completed after a collision can often be an annoyingly noticeable eyesore. In the past, repair shops were often forced to wait for the manufacturer to send the correct paint to the shop, or otherwise do their best to match their paint with the existing colour, to varying degrees of success. Fortunately now, it is far easier for repair shops to find and correctly apply the right paint for virtually any car, thanks to more advanced painting systems and techniques that make it easier to find the right colour and correctly apply it.



Most customers have concerns with how well their car will drive after a severe collision and long repair. While there may have been some issues with restoring the alignment and suspension of a car after a collision in the past, today’s auto body repair shops are almost all equipped with the latest in digital alignment tools and computerized suspension diagnostic equipment, making it virtually impossible for the repairs to be anything less than up to industry standards.

At Grandcity Vancouver Auto Body, we are proud to feature the latest and most advanced auto body repair tools and equipment that will ensure our repairs are done quickly, correctly and up to our customer’s standards. If you would like to learn more about how Grandcity can get you and your car back on the road, feel free to check us out online or on social media via Facebook and Twitter.

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